Monday, 1 July 2013

GIG REVIEW: Brothers. EP launch at Nice N Sleazy 29.06.2013

Another Saturday night with plenty of options in Glasgow, including The Wee Chill's 10th birthday at SWG3, lead to difficult decisions on how to spend the evening. Easily tempted by gigs just on my doorstep and having been graciously invited, I took myself to Sleazy's to take in the Brothers. EP launch. 

First up on the bill was Jake Beveridge, a singer-songwriter based in Glasgow. Jake plays heartfelt acoustic tracks, showcasing his strong vocals and lyrical talent. He is in the same ilk as Michael Cassidy, and fans of Cassidy would definitely enjoy Beveridge's music. Full of raw talent, I strongly believe Beveridge could be nipping at Cassidy's heels soon as he's a hidden gem of the Scottish acoustic scene. I certainly hope he wouldn't be hidden too much longer, he's got the right stuff to take him to big places. I've got my eye on him and you should too.

Taking to the stage next were Ayrshire instrumental three-piece, Two Towns Apart. I have never been one for heavier bands, or instrumental bands (unless you're Explosions in the Sky) but I was surprised by how quickly I took to their combination of both. This band are loud and proud, and they're powerful. They present walls of sound, intricately built together with talent and passion as the cement holding the bricks of powerful sounds together. Looping may have become an overused technique particularly on the Scottish scene recently but Two Towns Apart are one of the few who effectively use it to build their songs. In a break between songs we are given an explanation of the bands' name, which relates to the fact guitarist Lewis Glass lives in Irvine whilst Curtis McConnell on bass and Michael Wylde on drums stay in Ayr, with Troon and Prestwick in-between, it makes the band separated by two towns. The band have their own EP due soon and end on an impressive, and impressively loud, note. 

Finally it was time for our headliners to take to the stage. Brothers., previously known as From Now On, are a two-piece rock outfit from Kilmarnock who combine steely riffs with strong lyrical talent to make a big impact. Whilst Fraser Donaldson (guitar and vocals) and Cairns Elliot (drums and vocals) are clearly not brothers themselves, there's a brotherly-like connection in their performance and it gives them an edge that makes their live show particularly brilliant. They even manage to pull off a song called The World is Flat, which they have on played once before. The crowd made up of family, friends, and punters alike lap up the show making their inaugural Glasgow gig under the new guise a very warm affair, and a good new beginning. The crowd even manage to get the band back on for a well deserved encore, and it ends up being a very special one. On request the boys play 'Garden State' from their new EP 'September', the same song they opened the show with, but this time they do it with the help of Jake Beveridge, Two Towns Apart, Fraser's dad and a friend or two. It ends the night on a memorable note, and shows the appreciation for Brothers. is very strong and can only be due to increase as their exposure slowly grows. This band have amples of talent and a lot to show the world so there's a lot of their story yet to be written.  

It's always a joy to leave your flat and be genuinely surprised by live music, and that is what happened on this Saturday evening in Glasgow.

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